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About RFCC

walking in forest

The Story

red riding hood

Destructive cult leaders are wolves in disguise, therefore, RFCC often uses the story of Little Red Riding Hood as a metaphor to describe the features of cults. 

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The aim of Recover From Coercive Control (RFCC) is to create a stand to protect and preserve the well-being, freedom, and integrity of our loved ones and society. Destructive cult leaders are directors of organisations that exploit, manipulate, and isolate individuals, tearing families apart and inflicting emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical harm. RFCC is committed to counteracting the influence of dangerous cults, raise awareness, and support those affected by their insidious practices.




1. Protection of Personal Integrity

  • To preserve the sanctity of personal integrity and assert that no external entity, particularly one with a history of coercion and control, should interfere with one's relationship to self and others.

  • Strive to shield loved ones and society from manipulative influences that seek to sever familial and community bonds for the gain of a cult leader.


2. Advocacy for Awareness and Education

  • Committed to educating the public about the dangers of cults and the tactics they employ to recruit and retain members.

  • Provide resources and support for families and individuals affected by cult activities, facilitating recovery and reunification.


3. Support for Victims and Survivors

  • Stand in solidarity with those who have suffered under the influence of destructive cults, offering a network of support, counselling, and assistance.

  • Work to ensure that victims receive the help they need to rebuild their lives free from coercive control and cultic influence.


4. Advancement of Legal and Social Accountability

  • Call for increased scrutiny and legal action against the activities of cultic groups, advocating for stronger laws to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation.

  • Lobby for social policies that promote mental health, critical thinking, and resilience against manipulative groups.




1. Raising Public Awareness

  • Launch campaigns to inform communities about the tactics used by cult leaders, highlighting the psychological manipulation and coercion they employ.

  • Utilise media, public speaking engagements, and educational workshops to spread our message and warn potential recruits and their families.


2. Providing Resources and Support

  • Establish support groups and online forums where affected individuals can find help and connect with others who understand their experiences.

  • Collaborate with mental health professionals to offer counselling and recovery programs tailored to the needs of former cult members and their families.


3. Advocating for Legal Reform

  • Work with lawmakers and legal experts to develop and promote legislation that protects individuals from cult exploitation and holds cult leaders accountable for their actions.

  • Push for legal recognition of the unique psychological and emotional damages inflicted by cults, seeking justice for victims.


4. Building a Network of Solidarity

  • Create a coalition of like-minded organisations, activists, and experts dedicated to combating cult influence and supporting those affected by it.

  • Foster a sense of community among families and survivors, empowering them to share their stories and support each other.




RFCC's mission is to stand firm in our quest to protect families, educate the public, support victims, and advocate for justice. United by love and determination to see those we love free from coercion, we can work together to dismantle the harmful influence of cults and ensure a safer, more informed society for all.


Together, we can reclaim the futures of our loved ones and restore the bonds that make us stronger and help those affected by cultic actions find the peace and freedom they deserve.

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