Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.
Christian / Apocalyptic
Agape Ministries
Also known as House of God
Founded by Rocco Leo
1980s - 2010s?
Established in Oakden, South Australia, Australia. Group later moved to Fiji.

Estimated followers: 60
Summary of Beliefs
Agape Ministries of God, led by Rocco Leo, was a religious group operating in South Australia. The cult gained attention for its apocalyptic beliefs and predictions of the end times. Members were reportedly subjected to strict control and manipulation by Leo, who claimed to be a prophet and the group's spiritual leader. The cult's practices included demanding substantial financial contributions from its followers under the guise of preparing for the apocalypse. Allegations of psychological manipulation, financial exploitation, and coercive tactics emerged from former members and observers. Agape Ministries' activities raised concerns about the welfare of its members and led to investigations into its practices.
Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking
Agape Ministries, based in South Australia and led by Rocco Leo, has been the focus of significant legal and media scrutiny due to its controversial practices and beliefs. This analysis applies Renee's cult ranking system to assess the group's operations and the impact on its members.
1. Authoritative Leadership
Score: 3
Rocco Leo exercised absolute control over Agape Ministries. He portrayed himself as a prophet and demanded unwavering obedience from his followers. Decision-making was centralised, with no room for dissent or shared governance.
2. Control Over Information
Score: 3
The group tightly controlled information, promoting a narrative that only Leo's teachings were truthful. Members were encouraged to isolate themselves from external influences and were often fed misleading information about external threats and prophecies.
3. Deception
Score: 3
Agape Ministries engaged in significant deception. Leo convinced followers to sell their properties and donate the proceeds to the church, under the guise of preparing for apocalyptic events. The group misled members about the necessity and use of these funds.
4. Exclusive Knowledge
Score: 3
Leo claimed to have exclusive knowledge of divine messages and future events. This supposed privileged access to spiritual insight was used to justify his authority and the group's isolation from wider society.
5. Exploitation
Score: 3
The group exploited its members financially and emotionally. Members were coerced into significant financial contributions, and their labour was often used to further the group's interests without fair compensation.
6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation
Score: 3
Agape Ministries used fear and intimidation to maintain control. Leo warned of impending apocalyptic events and threats from external enemies, creating a climate of fear. Members were often made to feel guilty for questioning his authority or the group's practices.
7. Isolation
Score: 3
The group isolated its members both physically and socially. Members were encouraged to cut ties with outsiders and sometimes relocated to isolated properties owned by the church. This isolation helped reinforce Leo's control and the group's insular worldview.
8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks
Score: 3
Leo dictated many aspects of the members' lives, including their daily activities and personal decisions. The group's schedules and routines were structured to keep members constantly engaged with the church and its objectives.
9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours
Score: 3
Members' thoughts and behaviours were closely monitored. There was a culture of surveillance within the group, with followers encouraged to report on each other’s activities and adherence to the group's strict guidelines.
10. Punishment & Discipline
Score: 3
Severe disciplinary measures were in place to enforce compliance. Members who questioned Leo or the group's practices faced punitive actions, including public shaming, extra duties, and in some cases, more extreme forms of punishment.
11. Thought Reform
Score: 3
Agape Ministries employed coercive methods to align members' beliefs with Leo's teachings. This included indoctrination sessions, isolation, and psychological manipulation designed to suppress independent thinking and enforce group conformity.
12. Us vs. Them Mentality
Score: 3
The group maintained a strong "us vs. them" mentality, viewing outsiders as threats or non-believers. This belief in their own moral and spiritual superiority justified their isolation and reinforced loyalty to Leo and his vision.
Total Score: 36/36
Overall Cult Ranking: 10. Extremely Destructive Group
According to Renee’s cult ranking system, Agape Ministries scores a total of 36 out of 36, resulting in a 10 on the severity scale. This categorises Agape Ministries as an "Extremely Destructive Cult," characterised by maximum control and manipulation, leading to severe harm to its members.
Agape Ministries, under the leadership of Rocco Leo, exhibits all the hallmarks of a high-control, destructive cult. The group's practices of deception, exploitation, and severe control over its members' lives have profound and damaging effects. This analysis highlights the dangers posed by such groups and underscores the importance of vigilance and critical thinking in identifying and avoiding them.
Further Reading
- ABC News on Agape Ministries
- The Guardian on Agape Ministries
- Cult Education Institute on Agape Ministries
IS IT A CULT?: Response from
Agape Ministries
No known response.