Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.
Christian / New Age
Divine Truth
Founded by Alan John Miller
2007 -
Established in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia

Estimated followers: Unknown
Summary of Beliefs
Alan John Miller, claims to be Jesus reincarnated. Divine Truth has been scrutinised for its psychological manipulation and control over followers. Miller's teachings and practices have raised concerns about the emotional and financial exploitation of members.
Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking
Divine Truth, founded by Alan John Miller, who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, has gained attention for its unconventional beliefs and practices. Based in Queensland, Australia, this movement teaches a set of spiritual doctrines purportedly revealed directly by Miller and his partner Mary Suzanne Luck, who claims to be the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. Using Renee’s cult ranking system, we can assess the degree to which Divine Truth exhibits cult-like characteristics.
1. Authoritative Leadership
Score: 3
Alan John Miller exercises significant control over the Divine Truth movement. His claim of being Jesus Christ reincarnated places him in a position of absolute authority. Members often view him as a divine figure whose teachings and directives are to be followed without question.
2. Control Over Information
Score: 2
While Divine Truth materials are publicly accessible, Miller’s teachings are presented as the ultimate truth, limiting critical analysis. Followers are encouraged to align their understanding with Miller's revelations, discouraging engagement with opposing viewpoints or information that contradicts his teachings.
3. Deception
Score: 2
Critics argue that Miller's claims of divinity and his teachings about reincarnation and spiritual truths could be misleading, particularly to vulnerable individuals seeking spiritual guidance. The movement’s assertions are not backed by evidence and have been characterised as deceptive by some ex-members and observers.
4. Exclusive Knowledge
Score: 3
Miller claims to possess unique and exclusive knowledge about spiritual truths and the nature of the universe. His teachings are considered by followers to be superior to other spiritual or religious doctrines, reinforcing a belief in the exclusivity of the knowledge he provides.
5. Exploitation
Score: 2
There have been reports of financial and emotional exploitation within Divine Truth. Followers have allegedly been encouraged to make significant financial contributions and lifestyle changes, such as moving to be closer to Miller, which raises concerns about undue influence and exploitation.
6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation
Score: 2
Fear and guilt are subtly employed in Divine Truth's teachings. Miller’s narrative includes concepts of spiritual salvation and the dire consequences of not following his path, which can instil fear and a sense of urgency in followers. However, overt intimidation is less prevalent compared to more coercive groups.
7. Isolation
Score: 3
While not all members are physically isolated from outside influences, the teachings of Divine Truth can lead to social isolation as followers may become alienated from those who do not share their beliefs. Some members live on the same property as Miller, creating a close-knit community that can further isolate them from broader society.
8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks
Score: 1
Divine Truth does not impose strict control over the daily lives of its members. While followers are encouraged to align their lives with the movement's principles and sometimes relocate to be nearer to Miller, they generally maintain personal autonomy over their daily activities.
9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours
Score: 1
There is some level of behavioural monitoring through the teachings and the close-knit community environment, but it is not highly intrusive. Followers are expected to align their thoughts and behaviours with the spiritual principles taught by Miller, though this is enforced more through social pressure than formal surveillance.
10. Punishment & Discipline
Score: 1
Divine Truth does not have formal systems of punishment or harsh discipline. However, social and emotional consequences, such as ostracism or spiritual guilt, may be used to manage non-conformity or dissent within the community.
11. Thought Reform
Score: 2
The movement employs techniques that could be seen as thought reform, including intensive teaching sessions and the promotion of a singular worldview. These methods can lead to a significant transformation in members' beliefs and identities, aligning closely with Miller’s teachings.
12. Us vs. Them Mentality
Score: 2
Divine Truth fosters a distinct "us vs. them" mentality by positioning itself as possessing the ultimate truth and viewing those outside the movement as spiritually unenlightened or misled. This mentality can create a sense of separation between followers and the broader community.
Total Score: 24/36
Overall Cult Ranking: 7. Significantly Cult
According to Renee’s cult ranking system, Divine Truth scores 24 out of 36, resulting in a 7 on the severity scale. This places Divine Truth in the "Significantly Harmful Group" category, indicating that its practices and beliefs pose a substantial risk of exploitation and harm to its members.
Divine Truth, under the leadership of Alan John Miller, exhibits several significant cult-like characteristics, particularly in the areas of authoritative leadership, control over information, and the promotion of exclusive knowledge. The group's practices and beliefs can lead to social isolation, emotional exploitation, and the undue influence of its members. Potential followers should exercise caution and critically assess the group's claims and practices.
Further Reading
IS IT A CULT?: Response from
Divine Truth
No known response.