Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.
Christian / Apocalyptic
Jesus Christians
Also known as The Kidney Cult, A Voice in the Desert, or simply Christians.
Founded by David McKay
1982 -
Established in Broken Hill region, Victoria, Australia. Operates online and across all continents. Mobile units in Australia run out of vans usually in major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, & Brisbane. Overseas locations include United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, and more.
Christian / Apocalyptic

Estimated followers: 100+
Summary of Beliefs
The Jesus Christians are known for their radical interpretation of Christianity. They advocate for a lifestyle of simplicity and giving away possessions. However, their controversial practices, such as advocating for "giving all" including donating kidneys to strangers, have sparked criticism and legal challenges. McKay's teachings of "hating parents" is also staunchly condemned. In recent times, the group has been linked to the mass suicide/murder in Kenya, known as the Shakahola massacre.
Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking
The Jesus Christians, a group led by Dave McKay, have garnered attention and controversy for their extreme practices and high-control dynamics.
1. Authoritative Leadership
Score: 3
Dave McKay, the leader of the Jesus Christians, exhibits charismatic and absolute authority over the group. His leadership style allows no room for dissent or input from others. Former members and various reports highlight McKay's dominance, where decisions are made unilaterally, reflecting the highest level of authoritative leadership.
2. Control Over Information
Score: 3
The Jesus Christians maintain total control over information flow within the group. They employ censorship and propaganda to ensure that members remain aligned with the group's narrative. This includes restricting access to outside information and manipulating the internal dissemination of knowledge.
3. Deception
Score: 3
The group is known for its deceptive practices, both during the recruitment phase and ongoing membership. This includes false representation and withholding crucial information. Members are often subjected to gaslighting and other forms of psychological manipulation to reinforce group beliefs and practices. For example, David McKay was judged in the Victorian County Court to have told malicious lies about a member's mother.
4. Exclusive Knowledge
Score: 3
The teachings of Dave McKay are presented as indisputable truth, with a divine origin. The group’s doctrine emphasises a unique interpretation of Christianity that sets them apart from mainstream religious institutions. McKay claims that most other Christians have misunderstood the Bible and he is one of the few to follow Jesus' appropriately.
5. Exploitation
Score: 3
Members of the Jesus Christians face multiple forms of exploitation, including financial, labour (both mental and physical), and even organ donations. The group's practices demand significant personal sacrifices, which are justified through their extreme interpretation of Christian teaching.
6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation
Score: 3
Fear and intimidation are central to maintaining control within the Jesus Christians. The group utilises guilt and emotional manipulation to ensure loyalty and compliance. Members are often subjected to threatening behaviour and doctrinal intimidation to prevent dissent. Constant reminders of End Times, the "Mark of the Beast", and a call to martyrdom are relayed to members, therefore, maintaining fear and guilt if they do not comply.
7. Isolation
Score: 3
Isolation is a key tactic used by the Jesus Christians to maintain control over members. Contact with outsiders, particularly those with differing beliefs, is severely restricted. This isolation extends to physical separation and emotional disconnection from former social networks. Dave McKay preaches to members that they must "forsake all" and are routinely encouraged to give up more and more of themselves as an ongoing processes of "forsaking all" including one's life.
8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks
Score: 3
Members live in a commune where daily routines are strictly dictated by leaders. There is little autonomy, as the group’s leadership controls most aspects of daily life, from work to personal activities. This micro-management is a hallmark of high-control groups.
9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours
Score: 3
The Jesus Christians employ various forms of surveillance to monitor members' thoughts and behaviours. This includes accessing personal communications and video surveillance (especially when interacting with family members or other "outsiders") to ensure adherence to group norms. Such monitoring creates a pervasive sense of being watched and controlled.
10. Punishment & Discipline
Score: 3
The group imposes severe punishments for non-compliance, including deprivation of food, isolation, and relentless berating. These extreme disciplinary measures serve to reinforce the authority of the leadership and discourage any form of dissent. When issues arise, members are subjected to "grievance meetings" which some ex-members report are emotionally painful ordeals in which they are belittled and pressured into false confessions in order to avoid being sent out into the streets at night to fast and prayer.
11. Thought Reform
Score: 3
The Jesus Christians use coercive and extreme methods to enforce conformity and alter members' beliefs. Techniques such as isolation, sleep deprivation, and intense psychological pressure to indoctrinate members fully into the group's ideology.
12. Us vs. Them Mentality
Score: 3
The group promotes a strong "us vs. them" mentality, believing in their own superiority and uniqueness. Those outside the group are often viewed as misguided or inferior, reinforcing a sense of exclusivity and elitism among members.
Total Score: 36/36
Overall Cult Ranking: 10. Extremely Destructive Group
The Jesus Christians, under Dave McKay’s leadership, exhibit many characteristics typical of high-control, coercive groups as defined by Renée’s cult ranking system. From authoritative leadership and control over information to exploitation and severe isolation, the group’s practices align closely with the criteria for a high-control cult. This analysis highlights the importance of awareness and critical evaluation of groups that employ such coercive tactics.
Further Reading
IS IT A CULT?: Response from
Jesus Christians
Dave McKay denies that Jesus Christians are a cult; however, he does recognise that they are a high-demand group or new religious movement.