{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "Recover From Coercive Control", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Melbourne", "addressRegion": "VIC", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "telephone": "+61438048036", "url": "https://www.recoverfromcoercivecontrol.com", "logo": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/939046_832cd0bff0d24cb29840ea606e26f31e~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_771,h_1024,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/939046_832cd0bff0d24cb29840ea606e26f31e~mv2.jpg", "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/share/152AfVeGHH/?mibextid=wwXIfr", "https://x.com/coercionrecover?s=21&t=0XOFCpXkgx8nsZCkHE0jEQ", "https://www.tiktok.com/@granny_garnet?_t=ZS-8tXYjOj0M2Z&_r=1", "https://youtube.com/@recoverfromcoercivecontrol?si=ebamNpJXdYCanYi6" ], "openingHours": "Mo-Su 00:00-23:59", "priceRange": "$$" } { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is coercive control?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coercive control is a pattern of controlling behavior used to dominate or manipulate someone, often in abusive relationships or cults." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can online counselling help me?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Online counselling offers flexibility and support to individuals struggling with trauma, including coercive control, in a safe and confidential environment." } } ] }
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Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.​

Political / Conspiracy Theorist


Also known as Q, The Storm, The Great Awakening, Patriot Movement, or Digital Soldiers

No identifiable leader; figure known as "Q" provides leadership

c.2017 -

Established in a digital landscape (4chan). Current locations scattered around the world; due to digital nature of group it is difficult to determine exact locations.


Estimated followers: Unknown

Summary of Beliefs

QAnon is a conspiracy theory movement centred around the belief in a secret plot by a supposed "deep state" cabal of powerful individuals within government, media, and other institutions. Followers, known as "anons," believe that this cabal is engaged in nefarious activities such as corruption, child trafficking, and manipulation of global events to maintain control and undermine the interests of the United States and the world.

Central to QAnon ideology is the belief that an anonymous figure or entity known as "Q" has insider knowledge of these activities and communicates cryptic messages (known as "Q drops") on online forums like 4chan and 8kun. These messages purportedly reveal the existence of a coming "Great Awakening," where President Trump and the military will expose and defeat the deep state through a series of planned events known as "The Storm." QAnon followers often interpret current events through this lens, viewing themselves as patriots engaged in a spiritual battle to uncover hidden truths and restore what they perceive as justice and righteousness.

Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking

QAnon, a conspiracy theory movement that emerged in the United States, has spread globally, including in Australia. The movement centres around a belief in a secret cabal engaged in nefarious activities and claims that a figure known as "Q" is leaking classified information to the public. Despite lacking a centralised leadership or physical structure typical of traditional cults, QAnon exhibits many characteristics of high-control groups.

1. Authoritative Leadership

Score: 2

QAnon lacks a conventional leadership structure but follows the enigmatic figure "Q," believed to have insider knowledge. Followers view Q's posts as authoritative, often interpreting them with near-religious fervour. Prominent influencers within the movement amplify and interpret Q's messages, functioning as de facto leaders who wield considerable influence over the movement’s direction and beliefs.

2. Control Over Information

Score: 3

QAnon emphasises consuming information from within the movement while distrusting mainstream media and external sources. Followers are encouraged to rely on Q’s “drops” and fellow believers' interpretations, leading to a closed information loop. This insularity reinforces the movement's narratives and prevents members from critically engaging with contradictory information.

3. Deception

Score: 3

QAnon is built on the propagation of conspiracy theories that are often deceptive in nature. The movement spreads unverified and false claims, presenting them as hidden truths. This deception draws individuals into the movement under false pretences, making it difficult for followers to discern fact from fiction.

4. Exclusive Knowledge

Score: 3

QAnon followers believe they possess secret, privileged information that the general public does not understand or accept. This sense of exclusive knowledge creates a strong in-group mentality and a belief that they are part of a select group uncovering hidden truths. This dynamic reinforces adherence to the movement and alienation from outside perspectives.

5. Exploitation

Score: 2

While QAnon does not demand financial contributions in the traditional sense, it exploits its followers' time, emotions, and trust. Members often invest significant personal resources into following and disseminating QAnon theories. Additionally, some influencers within the movement may financially benefit from selling QAnon-related content or merchandise.

6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation

Score: 3

QAnon uses fear and paranoia as central tools to maintain engagement. Followers are constantly warned of imminent threats and apocalyptic scenarios if they do not act or believe. This fear-mongering can lead to significant anxiety and stress among adherents, reinforcing their dependency on the movement for perceived safety and truth.

7. Isolation

Score: 2

QAnon can lead to social isolation as followers increasingly distrust mainstream society and distance themselves from those who do not share their beliefs. This separation can result from the movement’s narratives that paint outsiders as misled or part of the enemy. The community bonds within QAnon can replace traditional social interactions, further isolating adherents.

8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks

Score: 1

QAnon does not directly micromanage daily lives in the conventional sense. However, the constant need to monitor Q’s messages, decode their meanings, and stay updated with the latest conspiracy theories can consume significant amounts of a follower’s time and focus. This involvement, while voluntary, can heavily influence personal schedules and priorities.

9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours

Score: 2

Within QAnon, there is an expectation to align with the movement's beliefs and narratives. Dissenting views or scepticism within the community are often met with suspicion or hostility, leading to self-censorship and conformity among followers. This implicit monitoring and social pressure enforce adherence to the movement's ideological framework.

10. Punishment & Discipline

Score: 1

QAnon lacks formal disciplinary mechanisms. However, social ostracism and verbal attacks are common tactics used to enforce conformity. Members who question the movement or deviate from accepted beliefs may be ridiculed or shunned by others, effectively serving as a form of informal punishment to maintain group cohesion.

11. Thought Reform

Score: 3

QAnon engages in significant thought reform through constant exposure to conspiratorial content and the reinterpretation of world events through its lens. Followers are encouraged to adopt a new worldview centred around the movement’s narratives, often leading to a dramatic shift in beliefs and perceptions that align closely with QAnon ideology.

12. Us vs. Them Mentality

Score: 3

QAnon fosters a strong “us vs. them” mentality, dividing the world into believers and those perceived as part of the problem or enemy. This binary worldview reinforces group cohesion by creating a sense of collective identity against perceived external threats. It also deepens the isolation from and hostility towards non-believers.

Total Score: 28/36

Overall Cult Ranking: 7. Significantly Harmful Cult

With an overall score of 7 on Renee’s scale, QAnon in Australia is categorised as a “Significantly Harmful Cult.” This ranking indicates that QAnon exerts significant influence and control over its members' beliefs and behaviours. The movement’s use of fear, exclusivity, and social pressure contributes to a highly controlling environment that can lead to substantial psychological and social impacts on its followers.

QAnon in Australia, as assessed through Renee’s Cult Ranking System, demonstrates many characteristics of a high-control group. The movement's pervasive influence on its members’ thoughts and actions, combined with its promotion of fear and exclusive knowledge, aligns it closely with cult-like behaviour.

Further Reading

IS IT A CULT?: Response from


No known response.

The material discussed on the Recover From Coercive Control website might be disturbing to some readers. Use personal discretion to determine if the content is suitable for you. If you feel triggered or otherwise affected, please reach out to the following mental health support agencies.


Lifeline: 13 11 14

Lifeline Crisis Text Service: Text: 0477 13 11 14

Beyond Blue:  1300 224 636

13 Yarn (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support): 13 92 76

Mental Health Emergency Response Line: 

1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)


Book an online counselling session through Recover From Coercive Control 

Anyone who is impacted by a cult in Australia is encouraged to reach out to Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS)

Assessments of groups on this website reflect Renée's personal opinions. Individual experiences of any group can vary; therefore, people are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Renée welcomes alternative perspectives that are respectfully shared.  


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