{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "Recover From Coercive Control", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Melbourne", "addressRegion": "VIC", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "telephone": "+61438048036", "url": "https://www.recoverfromcoercivecontrol.com", "logo": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/939046_832cd0bff0d24cb29840ea606e26f31e~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_771,h_1024,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/939046_832cd0bff0d24cb29840ea606e26f31e~mv2.jpg", "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/share/152AfVeGHH/?mibextid=wwXIfr", "https://x.com/coercionrecover?s=21&t=0XOFCpXkgx8nsZCkHE0jEQ", "https://www.tiktok.com/@granny_garnet?_t=ZS-8tXYjOj0M2Z&_r=1", "https://youtube.com/@recoverfromcoercivecontrol?si=ebamNpJXdYCanYi6" ], "openingHours": "Mo-Su 00:00-23:59", "priceRange": "$$" } { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is coercive control?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coercive control is a pattern of controlling behavior used to dominate or manipulate someone, often in abusive relationships or cults." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can online counselling help me?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Online counselling offers flexibility and support to individuals struggling with trauma, including coercive control, in a safe and confidential environment." } } ] }
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Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.​



Also known as International Raëlian Movement (IRM), or Raëlian Church

Founded by Claude Vorihon (Rael)

1974 -

Established in France. Has bases in Australia, Canada, Japan, United States, Brazil, United Kingdom, South Korea, Germany, and Italy.


Estimated followers: 70,000

Summary of Beliefs

The Raëlian Church, founded by Claude Vorilhon (Raël), espouses a belief in extraterrestrial beings called the Elohim, whom they regard as advanced scientists mistaken for gods. They advocate for world peace, gender equality, and the promotion of pleasure as a central tenet of life. Additionally, the Raëlians promote the idea of human cloning and the establishment of an embassy to welcome extraterrestrial visitors.

Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking

The Raelian Church, founded by Claude Vorilhon (Raël), espouses a belief in extraterrestrial beings called the Elohim, whom they regard as advanced scientists mistaken for gods. They advocate for world peace, gender equality, and the promotion of pleasure as a central tenet of life. Additionally, the Raëlians promote the idea of human cloning and the establishment of an embassy to welcome extraterrestrial visitors.

1. Authoritative Leadership

Score: 2

Raël holds significant authority within the Raelians, with limited input from followers. He is seen as the ultimate leader and the prophet of the Elohim, extraterrestrial beings believed to have created life on Earth. Although there is some community input, Raël's decisions and teachings are highly influential.

2. Control Over Information

Score: 2

Information within the Raëlians is selectively shared to maintain the group's narrative. Followers are encouraged to focus on Raël's teachings and the messages from the Elohim, which are presented as absolute truths. There is a degree of openness in sharing this information, but it is tightly controlled to support the group's beliefs.

3. Deception

Score: 2

Raëlians make extraordinary claims about their origins and mission, which some may view as misleading. However, these claims are presented openly rather than through deceit. The group's recruitment phase involves presenting these beliefs in an enticing manner, which could be seen as exaggerated.

4. Exclusive Knowledge

Score: 3

The knowledge imparted by Raël is considered exclusive and based on his alleged communications with the Elohim. This knowledge is presented as divine truth and is not open to interpretation or questioning, making it a core component of the group's identity.

5. Exploitation

Score: 1-2

The Raëlians require financial contributions and voluntary work from their members. While this can be viewed as exploitative, it is not as severe as in more destructive cults. The emphasis is on spreading the group's message and supporting its activities.

6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation

Score: 1

The Raëlians focus on positive messages of love and peace, with less emphasis on fear and guilt. However, there may be subtle pressures to conform to group norms and beliefs, but these are not overtly intimidating.

7. Isolation

Score: 1-2

While Raëlians are encouraged to form a close-knit community, they are not entirely isolated from the outside world. Interaction with non-members is permitted, but the group's insular nature can lead to reduced contact with differing beliefs.

8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks

Score: 1

Raëlians generally maintain autonomy in their daily lives. While they are encouraged to follow certain practices and participate in group activities, there is no strict enforcement of daily routines.

9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours

Score: 1

There is some monitoring of beliefs and behaviours to ensure alignment with Raël's teachings, but it does not reach the level of invasive surveillance. Members are expected to adhere to the group's principles voluntarily.

10. Punishment & Discipline

Score: 1

Punishment within the Raëlians is more about social consequences, such as being ostracised or criticised within the community, rather than severe punitive measures. Non-compliance is generally met with disapproval rather than harsh discipline.

11. Thought Reform

Score: 2

There are systematic efforts to align followers' beliefs and behaviors with Raël's teachings through indoctrination and persistent persuasion. This includes regular teachings and reinforcement of the group's ideology.

12. Us vs. Them Mentality

Score: 2

The Raëlians exhibit a clear distinction between their group and non-believers, often viewing themselves as the enlightened ones with a special mission. While they promote messages of peace and love, there is an underlying sense of superiority regarding their unique knowledge and purpose.

Total Score: 20/36

Overall Cult Ranking: 6. Cult

Based on Renee's Ranking System, the Raëlians exhibit several characteristics associated with cult-like behaviours, particularly in the areas of authoritative leadership, exclusive knowledge, and thought reform. However, they are less extreme in aspects like micro-management of daily tasks and punishment. The group's practices reflect significant control and influence, yet they do not reach the most destructive levels seen in more extreme cults.

Further Reading

IS IT A CULT?: Response from


No known response.

The material discussed on the Recover From Coercive Control website might be disturbing to some readers. Use personal discretion to determine if the content is suitable for you. If you feel triggered or otherwise affected, please reach out to the following mental health support agencies.


Lifeline: 13 11 14

Lifeline Crisis Text Service: Text: 0477 13 11 14

Beyond Blue:  1300 224 636

13 Yarn (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support): 13 92 76

Mental Health Emergency Response Line: 

1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)


Book an online counselling session through Recover From Coercive Control 

Anyone who is impacted by a cult in Australia is encouraged to reach out to Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS)

Assessments of groups on this website reflect Renée's personal opinions. Individual experiences of any group can vary; therefore, people are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Renée welcomes alternative perspectives that are respectfully shared.  


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