Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.
Christian / Apocalyptic
Also known as Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (SCJ), or Shincheonji Church of Jesus
Founded by Lee Man-hee
1984 -
Established in South Korea. Also operates in Australia, United States, Japan, China, India, Philippines, Germany, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Estimated followers: Unknown (100,000+)
Summary of Beliefs
Shincheonji, which translates to "New Heaven and New Earth," espouses a unique interpretation of Christian theology, emphasizing the idea of a new era of salvation. Its teachings revolve around the belief that founder Lee Man-hee is the promised messenger or the "advocate" mentioned in the Bible's Book of Revelation. Critics accuse Shincheonji of being a cult due to its secretive practices, alleged manipulation of members, and the fervent devotion it demands from followers. Concerns have also been raised about its aggressive recruitment tactics and its perceived divergence from mainstream Christian doctrines.
Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking
Shincheonji, or the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, led by Lee Man-hee, is a religious group known for its controversial practices and secretive nature. Analysing Shincheonji through Renee’s Cult Ranking System reveals a deeply controlling organisation with significant impact on its members.
1. Authoritative Leadership
Score: 3
Lee Man-hee claims divine authority as the "Promised Pastor" and "New John" who alone can interpret the Bible. His authority is unquestioned, and his followers see him as a conduit to salvation.
2. Control Over Information
Score: 3
Information flow within Shincheonji is tightly restricted. Members are discouraged from seeking external sources of religious information or critical perspectives about the group. This insularity reinforces loyalty and limits exposure to outside views.
3. Deception
Score: 3
Shincheonji often recruits members through deceptive practices, hiding their true identity under various front organisations. Newcomers are usually unaware they are joining Shincheonji until they are already involved. This deceptive approach extends to public relations, where the group downplays its more controversial elements.
4. Exclusive Knowledge
Score: 3
The group claims exclusive understanding of biblical prophecies, accessible only through Lee Man-hee's teachings. Followers believe they are uniquely chosen to receive salvation and be part of the "144,000" in the end times.
5. Exploitation
Score: 3
Members are often required to make significant personal sacrifices, including extensive time commitments and financial contributions. There are reports of emotional exploitation, particularly among young recruits, who are urged to prioritise the group above their personal lives.
6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation
Score: 3
Shincheonji employs fear and guilt to maintain control. Members are warned of spiritual consequences and eternal damnation if they leave or fail to adhere strictly to the group's teachings. This creates a powerful mechanism of control through emotional and psychological pressure.
7. Isolation
Score: 3
Members are encouraged to sever ties with non-believers, including family and friends, to prevent any external influence that could weaken their commitment. This isolation fosters deeper dependency on the group and aligns members more closely with its ideology.
8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks
Score: 3
Shincheonji members have their lives closely managed. Daily activities, including study schedules and personal interactions, are monitored to ensure complete adherence to the group's practices and to maximise their participation in church activities.
9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours
Score: 3
The group maintains stringent oversight over its members' thoughts and actions. This surveillance extends to personal interactions and daily life, enforcing conformity and discouraging any form of dissent or independent thinking.
10. Punishment & Discipline
Score: 3
Shincheonji uses harsh disciplinary measures to enforce conformity. Members who question the group or try to leave are often subjected to public humiliation, ostracism, and other forms of punishment designed to maintain strict control and loyalty.
11. Thought Reform
Score: 3
Intensive indoctrination is central to Shincheonji's control. Through rigorous and repetitive teaching sessions, members undergo significant thought reform, aligning their beliefs and identities closely with the group's doctrines and isolating them from outside influence.
12. Us vs. Them Mentality
Score: 3
The group cultivates a strong "us vs. them" mentality, viewing themselves as the only true followers of God and everyone else, including other Christians, as misguided or evil. This divisive worldview reinforces their sense of uniqueness and justifies their isolation from the wider world.
Total Score: 36/36
Overall Cult Ranking: 10. Extremely Destructive Cult
Shincheonji scores a perfect 36 on Renee’s Cult Ranking Criteria, indicating maximum levels of control and coercion. This positions the group at the extreme end of the coercive control spectrum, highlighting the profound impact on those involved. Members closest to the group's core experience the most intense manipulation, underscoring the need for critical awareness and intervention.
Shincheonji, under Lee Man-hee’s leadership, exemplifies a highly controlling group that manipulates its members through comprehensive and coercive tactics. Analysing the group through Renee’s Cult Ranking Criteria provides a clear framework for understanding the severe control mechanisms at play and the deep psychological impact on its followers.
Further Reading
IS IT A CULT?: Response from
No known response.