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Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.​

Christian / End Times

The Truth

Also known as Two by Twos, Friends, or Workers

Founded by William Irvine

c.1897 -

Established in Ireland. Currently operating in Australia, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, and Philippines.

The Truth

Estimated followers: around 100,000 to 200,000 worldwide

Summary of Beliefs

The "Two by Twos," also known as "The Truth," is a Christian sect founded by William Irvine in Ireland in the late 19th century. Central to their beliefs is the idea of living a life modelled after the early apostles, emphasising simplicity, humility, and a rejection of worldly possessions and formal church buildings. Followers believe in the necessity of itinerant preaching, with ministers traveling in pairs, mirroring the practices of Jesus' disciples. This group holds to a strict interpretation of the Bible and places a strong emphasis on personal sacrifice, self-denial, and communal living as means to achieve spiritual purity and closeness to God.

Worship within the "Two by Twos" sect is characterised by informal gatherings held in homes rather than traditional church buildings, reflecting their commitment to a simple and unadorned approach to faith. They do not have official clergy, believing that true ministers should live by faith, relying on the hospitality and support of the community. The sect teaches that salvation is attained through a combination of faith, repentance, and adherence to their interpretation of biblical teachings. Members are encouraged to lead lives marked by modesty, avoiding modern entertainment and technology, and focusing on spiritual growth and fellowship. The group's exclusivity and secretive nature contribute to a close-knit community where members rely heavily on one another for spiritual and social support.

Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking

"The Truth" originated in Ireland in the late 19th century and was brought to Australia in the early 20th century. The group is characterised by its strict adherence to itinerant ministry and communal gatherings, and its rejection of established religious institutions. Its members are known for their simple, austere lifestyle and evangelistic efforts.

1. Authoritative Leadership

Score: 2

- Evaluation: The group is led by itinerant preachers known as "Workers" who wield significant control over doctrinal teachings and community practices. This hierarchical structure centralised authority within the leadership.

2. Control Over Information

Score: 2

Information, especially regarding teachings and practices, is closely controlled by the Workers. The group is insular, with limited exposure to outside religious or secular influences.

3. Deception

Score: 2

The group often downplays its differences from mainstream Christianity and can be secretive about its origins and organisational structure. This can lead to misunderstandings or misrepresentation of their beliefs to outsiders.

4. Exclusive Knowledge

Score: 3

Members believe they possess a unique and correct understanding of the Bible and Christian faith, often viewing other religious groups as fundamentally flawed or false.

5. Exploitation

Score: 2

There are expectations for significant time and financial contributions, especially from those who take on the role of Workers. However, these are typically voluntary and based on personal commitment. The group is alleged to be involved with sexual abuse, including that of minors.

6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation

Score: 2

The group uses teachings about the end times and the need for strict adherence to their doctrines to instil a sense of urgency and moral obligation among members.

7. Isolation

Score: 2

Members are encouraged to avoid close relationships outside the group and to prioritise the community's gatherings and events, which can lead to social isolation from the broader society.

8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks

Score: 1

While daily life is influenced by the group’s teachings, there is some level of autonomy. However, significant aspects of life, including social interactions and personal choices, are guided by the group's doctrines.

9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours

Score: 2

Behaviour and adherence to group norms are monitored, often through informal social oversight and the expectations set by the Workers and the community.

10. Punishment & Discipline

Score: 2

Members who deviate from the group's teachings or practices may face social shunning or be asked to leave the community, enforcing conformity through social pressure.

11. Thought Reform

Score: 2

Joining "The Truth" involves adopting a significant reorientation of beliefs and lifestyle. New members are gradually indoctrinated into the group's unique interpretations and practices.

12. Us vs. Them Mentality

Score: 3

The group maintains a strong distinction between members and non-members, viewing themselves as the true adherents of Christian faith, which fosters an "us vs. them" mentality.

Total Score: 25/36

Overall Cult Ranking: 7. Significantly Harmful Group

"The Truth" sect in Australia, while providing a close-knit community and a sense of purpose for its members, displays several characteristics that align with high-risk group behaviours according to Renee’s cult ranking system. Their strict adherence to exclusive teachings, authoritative leadership, and social isolation contribute to their overall high-risk assessment.

Further Reading

IS IT A CULT?: Response from

The Truth

No known response.

The material discussed on the Recover From Coercive Control website might be disturbing to some readers. Use personal discretion to determine if the content is suitable for you. If you feel triggered or otherwise affected, please reach out to the following mental health support agencies.


Lifeline: 13 11 14

Lifeline Crisis Text Service: Text: 0477 13 11 14

Beyond Blue:  1300 224 636

13 Yarn (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support): 13 92 76

Mental Health Emergency Response Line: 

1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)


Book an online counselling session through Recover From Coercive Control 

Anyone who is impacted by a cult in Australia is encouraged to reach out to Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS)

Assessments of groups on this website reflect Renée's personal opinions. Individual experiences of any group can vary; therefore, people are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Renée welcomes alternative perspectives that are respectfully shared.  


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