Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.
Conservative Judaism
Also known as Masorti Judaism, Historical Judaism, or Traditional Judaism
Founded by Abram, which was later changed to Abraham by G-d
Began approximately 2nd millennium BCE / Emerged as a distinct movement in 19th and early 20th centuries
Established in Ur in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). Present day locations include Australia, United States, Israel, Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina, South Africa, and Brazil

Estimated followers: Approximately 1.5 to 2 million worldwide
Summary of Beliefs
Conservative Judaism is a modernist branch within Judaism that aims to preserve Jewish tradition while also allowing for flexibility in interpreting and applying Jewish law (Halakha) to contemporary circumstances. It views Jewish law as binding but open to adaptation through the guidance of rabbinic authorities.
Beliefs within Conservative Judaism emphasise the importance of ethical living, social justice, and community involvement. They affirm a commitment to the covenant between God and the Jewish people, as outlined in the Torah, while embracing critical scholarship and historical analysis in understanding religious texts. Conservative Jews typically observe Jewish holidays and rituals, uphold dietary laws, and prioritise the study of Torah and Talmud as foundational to Jewish identity and practice. The movement also promotes inclusivity, welcoming men and women equally in religious practices and leadership roles within congregations.
Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking
Conservative Judaism, also known as Masorti Judaism outside North America, is a modern stream of Judaism that seeks to conserve Jewish traditions while allowing for adaptation and change in response to contemporary circumstances. In Australia, Conservative Judaism occupies a middle ground between the strict adherence of Orthodox Judaism and the more progressive approaches of Reform Judaism. This analysis will apply Renee’s Cult Ranking System to evaluate how Conservative Judaism in Australia balances traditional practices with modern values and individual freedoms.
1. Authoritative Leadership
Score: 1
Conservative Judaism in Australia features leadership structures that include rabbis, lay leaders, and congregational councils. While rabbis play a significant role in guiding religious practice and interpretation of Jewish law, there is considerable input and decision-making from congregational members. This democratic approach encourages shared leadership and community participation, though rabbis still maintain a respected and influential role in religious and communal life.
2. Control Over Information
Score: 0
Conservative Jewish communities encourage open access to both religious and secular knowledge. Members are encouraged to study traditional Jewish texts and contemporary interpretations, often engaging in discussions that blend religious and modern perspectives. There is a strong emphasis on education and informed understanding, with no restrictions on accessing external information sources.
3. Deception
Score: 0
While Conservative Judaism values the study and practice of Jewish law and tradition, it does not claim exclusive access to spiritual truths. The movement encourages respect for other religions and acknowledges the legitimacy of diverse spiritual paths. This inclusivity is reflected in its approach to interfaith dialogue and cooperation with other religious and cultural groups.
4. Exclusive Knowledge
Score: 0
Financial and volunteer contributions in Conservative Jewish communities are typically voluntary and directed towards supporting religious, educational, and charitable activities. There is no evidence of financial exploitation within these communities. Fundraising and community support efforts are transparent and aimed at enhancing communal life and providing assistance to those in need.
5. Exploitation
Score: 0
Conservative Judaism emphasises positive reinforcement and education rather than using fear or guilt to enforce compliance. Community members are encouraged to observe religious practices out of personal conviction and a desire to maintain tradition. While there are communal expectations, the approach is nurturing and supportive, focusing on individual and collective growth.
6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation
Score: 0
The Church of England emphasises a compassionate and inclusive approach to faith. While traditional teachings on sin and morality are part of its doctrine, they are usually presented in a context of forgiveness and grace rather than fear and intimidation. Members are not typically subjected to undue psychological pressure.
7. Isolation
Score: 0
Conservative Jewish communities in Australia encourage engagement with broader society and do not promote social isolation. Members are active participants in the wider community, contributing to various social, cultural, and professional spheres. The movement supports integrating Jewish values with contemporary life and encourages positive interactions with people of different backgrounds.
8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks
Score: 1
Conservative Judaism provides guidelines for religious observance, such as dietary laws and Sabbath practices, but offers flexibility in how these are applied in daily life. Members are encouraged to find personal and meaningful ways to integrate Jewish traditions into their lives without rigidly prescribing every aspect of daily behaviour. This approach supports a balance between maintaining religious identity and allowing personal autonomy
9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours
Score: 0
There is no systematic monitoring of personal thoughts or behaviours within Conservative Jewish communities. While communal norms and religious expectations are upheld, members are trusted to observe these on their own terms. The community fosters an environment where individuals are encouraged to engage thoughtfully with their faith without intrusive oversight.
10. Punishment & Discipline
Score: 0
Disciplinary measures within Conservative Judaism focus on maintaining community harmony and religious standards through guidance and support rather than punishment. Issues are typically resolved through dialogue and counselling, with an emphasis on education and reconciliation. The community aims to help members align with shared values without imposing harsh penalties.
11. Thought Reform
Score: 0
Conservative Judaism promotes the exploration and internalisation of Jewish teachings through study and community involvement. Members are encouraged to develop their understanding and connection to Jewish traditions in a way that is meaningful to them. There is no coercive pressure to conform to specific beliefs or practices, allowing for diverse interpretations and personal growth within the framework of Jewish law.
12. Us vs. Them Mentality
Score: 0
Conservative Judaism advocates for a respectful and inclusive approach towards others, both within and outside the Jewish community. It emphasises the value of diversity and interfaith dialogue, promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. The community does not cultivate an adversarial mindset but rather encourages engagement and understanding across different cultures and beliefs
Total Score: 2/36
Overall Cult Ranking: 0. Safe Group
With an overall score of 1 on Renee’s scale, Conservative Judaism in Australia is categorised as a minimal control group. This ranking highlights the movement's commitment to balancing traditional Jewish practices with modern values and individual freedoms. The community fosters an environment of voluntary participation, openness, and respect for personal autonomy.
Conservative Judaism in Australia, as assessed through Renee’s Cult Ranking System, demonstrates a religious community that values tradition while embracing contemporary life and personal freedom. This balance supports a healthy and inclusive community environment where members can engage deeply with their faith and contribute positively to broader society.
For those involved with or considering Conservative Judaism in Australia, this analysis underscores the movement’s dedication to maintaining a supportive and open framework that honours both Jewish heritage and modern diversity.
Further Reading
A fresh Jewish voice: the new Australian group opposing antisemitism – and Israel’s conduct
Conservative rabbis endorse use of electric cars on Shabbat, still divided on driving
IS IT A CULT?: Response from
Conservative Judaism
No known response.