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Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.​


Paganism in Australia

Also known as Wicca, Druidism, Heathenry, neo-pagan, or pre-Christian beliefs


Various; BCE

Throughout Australia

Paganism in Australia

Estimated followers: Unknown

Summary of Beliefs

Paganism in Australia is a diverse and expanding movement that includes a wide array of traditions and practices. Among the most prominent are Wicca, Druidism, Heathenry, and other neo-pagan beliefs. These groups often emphasise a deep connection to nature, revering the cycles of the seasons, the elements, and the earth itself as sacred. Polytheism is a common thread, with many pagans worshiping multiple deities drawn from ancient mythologies, such as the gods and goddesses of Celtic, Norse, and Greco-Roman pantheons. Rituals and ceremonies frequently mark significant natural events like solstices, equinoxes, and lunar phases, fostering a spiritual alignment with the natural world.

In addition to nature worship and polytheism, many Australian pagans engage in the reconstruction and revival of pre-Christian spiritual practices. This often involves extensive research into historical texts, folklore, and archaeological findings to create authentic and meaningful rituals that honor their ancient roots. Wicca, for example, often incorporates ceremonial magic, the casting of circles, and the celebration of the Sabbats and Esbats. Druidism focuses on the reverence of nature, ancestral wisdom, and the celebration of life’s transitions through rituals. Heathenry, or Norse paganism, emphasizes the veneration of the Norse gods, as well as the practice of community-building and the honoring of ancestors. Despite their differences, these various traditions share a commitment to personal spirituality, the celebration of life’s cycles, and a profound respect for the natural world.

Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking

Paganism in Australia is a diverse and growing movement that encompasses various traditions and practices, including Wicca, Druidism, Heathenry, and other neo-pagan beliefs. These groups often emphasise a connection to nature, polytheism, and a reconstruction of pre-Christian spiritual practices.

1. Authoritative Leadership

Score: 1

Most Pagan groups in Australia operate democratically with shared decision-making among members. Leadership roles, when they exist, tend to be more about organisation than exerting control. This collaborative approach is common across the spectrum of Pagan traditions. Groups such as the Pagan Awareness Network promote a flat structure with equal participation in decision-making processes.

2. Control Over Information

Score: 1

Pagan groups generally encourage the free exchange of information and personal exploration. Members are often urged to learn from various sources and interpret spiritual knowledge in ways that resonate with them personally. Druid groups like the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids (OBOD) provide open educational resources and encourage personal growth through study and practice.

3. Deception

Score: 0

Paganism is typically marked by honesty and transparency. The groups don't usually mislead potential members or use deceptive recruitment tactics. Events such as the Australian Wiccan Conference and Pagan Pride Days are open to the public, providing accurate representations of their beliefs and practices.

4. Exclusive Knowledge

Score: 1

While some Pagan traditions have esoteric knowledge or rituals, they are not typically enforced as the sole truth. Members can explore different paths and integrate various beliefs into their practices. Eclectic Wiccans might combine elements from different spiritual traditions, reflecting the openness to diverse sources of wisdom.

5. Exploitation

Score: 0

Pagan groups in Australia generally operate on a voluntary basis without exploiting members for labour, financial gain, or other purposes. They emphasise mutual respect and support. Festivals and gatherings are often organised by volunteers, with contributions typically going towards event costs rather than individual gain.

6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation

Score: 0

There is little evidence of fear, guilt, or intimidation being used to maintain loyalty or control within Pagan groups. Respect for individual autonomy and choice is a core principle. The Pagan Awareness Network and other such groups promote inclusivity and respect for personal spiritual journeys.

7. Isolation

Score: 1

While some Pagans might choose to form close-knit communities, these groups do not generally isolate members from the broader society or restrict their interactions with outsiders. Pagan events often welcome participants from all walks of life, encouraging open dialogue and community engagement.

8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks

Score: 0

Pagan groups typically do not dictate the daily lives of their members. Individuals maintain full control over their personal routines and commitments. Participation in rituals and events is usually voluntary, with no obligations extending into members' everyday lives.

9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours

Score: 0

There is no evidence that Pagan groups in Australia engage in monitoring or controlling members' thoughts and behaviours. They value freedom of thought and expression. The diverse practices within Paganism encourage personal exploration and individual belief systems.

10. Punishment & Discipline

Score: 0

Pagan groups do not typically use punitive measures to enforce discipline. Conflicts, if they arise, are usually resolved through dialogue and mutual respect. Community guidelines at gatherings focus on respect and safety rather than strict disciplinary actions.

11. Thought Reform

Score: 0

 Paganism does not involve coercive thought reform or indoctrination. Members are free to leave or modify their beliefs without pressure or repercussions. The fluid nature of Pagan spirituality allows for ongoing personal development and change.

12. Us vs. Them Mentality

Score: 0

Pagan groups often advocate for inclusivity and do not typically foster an adversarial stance towards outsiders. They promote understanding and acceptance across different belief systems. Interfaith activities and community outreach are common, promoting harmony and mutual respect.

Total Score: 4/36

Overall Cult Ranking: 1. Benign Group

Paganism in Australia ranks as a Safe Group to Benign Group overall. It exhibits minimal cult-like characteristics, focusing on inclusivity, personal freedom, and respect for individual beliefs. Pagan groups encourage open exploration and participation without imposing restrictive or harmful practices on their members.

Further Reading

IS IT A CULT?: Response from

Paganism in Australia

No known response. 

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