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Renée uses 12 criteria with ratings of 0-3 to assess groups and provide an overall ranking out of 10 that reflects levels of coercive control. These assessments are based upon media reports, personal testimonies, and other research. The findings reflect her personal opinions which may differ to others. She is mindful that groups can change over time, for the better or worst, and that the experiences of individuals may vary within any group. Renée is open to respectful discussions and encourages diverse perspectives to foster a better understanding of matters raised.​


Sedenborgian Church

Also known as The Church of New Jerusalem

Founded by Emanuel Swedenborg

1789 -

Established in England. Has bases in Australia, United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, and Japan.

Sedenborgian Church

Estimated followers: c.10,000

Summary of Beliefs

The Swedenborgian Church, also known as the New Church, follows the theological teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, an 18th-century Swedish philosopher and theologian. They believe in the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth and inner transformation. Central tenets include the belief in a loving God, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the immortality of the soul, and the concept of spiritual rebirth.

Analysis Using Renée's Cult Ranking

The Swedenborgian Church, also known as the Church of the New Jerusalem, is based on the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, an 18th-century Swedish theologian and scientist. It emphasises a unique interpretation of Christianity, rooted in Swedenborg's extensive writings on spirituality and the Bible. Evaluating the Swedenborgian Church using Renee's Ranking System, we can assess its characteristics across the 12 key features.

1. Authoritative Leadership

Score: 1

The Swedenborgian Church operates with a more democratic leadership style. Decisions are typically made collectively, with significant input from members. There is no single, charismatic leader with absolute authority.

2. Control Over Information

Score: 1

The church encourages transparency and openness in sharing information. Swedenborg's writings are widely accessible, and members are encouraged to study and interpret these teachings independently.

3. Deception

Score: 0

The Swedenborgian Church is known for its honesty and openness. The teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg are presented transparently, with no significant evidence of misleading claims or deception during recruitment or otherwise.

4. Exclusive Knowledge

Score: 2

While the church is open to new ideas, Swedenborg’s teachings are considered central and often seen as a unique, divinely inspired interpretation of Christianity. Followers may view these teachings as superior to conventional Christian doctrines.

5. Exploitation

Score: 0

There is no significant evidence of exploitation within the Swedenborgian Church. Members are generally treated fairly, with no reports of financial, labour, or sexual exploitation.

6. Fear, Guilt, & Intimidation

Score: 0

The church emphasises respect and dignity for all individuals. Fear, guilt, and intimidation are not used as tools to control members or cultivate loyalty.

7. Isolation

Score: 0

The Swedenborgian Church does not restrict members' interaction with the outside world. Members are free to engage with non-members and other belief systems, promoting an open and inclusive community.

8. Micro-Management of Daily Tasks

Score: 0

Members maintain full autonomy in managing their daily tasks. There are no excessive demands or obligations regarding their involvement in church activities.

9. Monitoring Thoughts & Behaviours

Score: 0

Members of the Swedenborgian Church enjoy full autonomy regarding their thoughts and behaviours. There is no systematic monitoring or surveillance of personal activities.

10. Punishment & Discipline

Score: 0

The church emphasises constructive feedback and accountability. Punitive measures are not employed, and there is no evidence of extreme disciplinary practices.

11. Thought Reform

Score: 0

The church respects diverse thoughts and beliefs. While it promotes Swedenborg’s teachings, it does not employ coercive methods to alter members' beliefs or behaviours.

12. Us vs. Them Mentality

Score: 1

There may be some bias towards Swedenborgian beliefs as superior, but there is no significant derogatory attitude towards those outside the church. The church generally promotes equality and respect for all.

Total Score: 5/36

Overall Cult Ranking: 1. Benign Group

Based on Renee's Ranking System, the Swedenborgian Church exhibits few, if any, characteristics associated with destructive cult behaviours. It maintains a democratic leadership style, openness, and respect for individual autonomy. While it holds Swedenborg’s teachings in high regard, it does not employ coercive control or exploitative practices. This analysis suggests that the Swedenborgian Church operates as a non-destructive religious group, fostering a healthy and open community.

Further Reading

IS IT A CULT?: Response from

Sedenborgian Church

No known response. 

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