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The Nuances of Traditional Gender Roles and Domestic Servitude in Cults: A Historical Perspective on Patriarchy

Writer's picture: Renee SpencerRenee Spencer

image of woman doing Traditional Gender Roles in a kitchen

Throughout history, gender roles and domestic servitude have been closely intertwined with societal structures, often reinforced by patriarchal systems. In the context of cults, these traditional roles are not just maintained but exaggerated to extreme levels, creating environments where exploitation and abuse thrive. This blog explores the nuances of traditional gender roles within cults, their roots in historical patriarchy, and the parallels with the historical tolerance of slavery.

Historical Context of Gender Roles and Patriarchy

Patriarchy, a social system in which men hold primary power, has historically dictated the roles and expectations of women. This system often relegated women to the private sphere, assigning them roles centred around domestic duties and caregiving. Over centuries, these roles were normalised and institutionalised through cultural, religious, and legal frameworks.

Gender Roles in Cults

Cults often exploit and amplify traditional gender roles to maintain control and manipulate their members. The following aspects highlight how cults utilise these roles:

1. Domestic Servitude: Women in cults are frequently expected to perform all domestic duties, including cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing, reinforcing their subordinate position within the group. This labor is often unpaid and unacknowledged, mirroring historical domestic servitude.

2. Sexual Exploitation: Cult leaders frequently exploit women sexually, often under the guise of religious or spiritual practices. This exploitation is a severe form of gender-based violence and control.

3. Emotional Manipulation: Cults use emotional and psychological manipulation to convince women that their value lies in fulfilling these traditional roles, further entrenching their dependency and subservience.

4. Economic Dependency: By limiting women's roles to domestic duties, cults ensure their economic dependency on the group, making it difficult for them to leave or seek help.

Examples from Australian Cults

- Agape Ministries: Women were expected to adhere strictly to traditional gender roles, performing all household chores and caring for children, while also being financially exploited by the leadership.

- Children of God: Women were sexually exploited through practices like "Flirty Fishing," and were also responsible for all domestic tasks, creating an environment of total control and dependency.

- Jesus Christians: Women are expected to submit to their husbands. Divorce is frowned upon, even in cases of abusive relationships. If couples do separate, they are encouraged to remain celibate for the remainder of their lives.

Historical Tolerance of Slavery and its Modern Rejection

Slavery was once a widely accepted practice across many cultures and societies. It was justified through economic, racial, and even religious arguments. However, over time, societal values shifted, leading to the recognition of slavery as a gross violation of human rights. This shift was driven by moral, ethical, and legal developments, culminating in the abolition of slavery in many parts of the world.

Parallels Between Historical Slavery and Domestic Servitude in Cults

1. Normalisation of Exploitation: Just as slavery was normalised in the past, domestic servitude and gender-based exploitation within cults are normalised under the guise of tradition or religious belief.

2. Economic and Psychological Control: Both systems rely on controlling the economic and psychological states of their victims to maintain power and prevent escape.

3. Resistance and Reformation: The abolition of slavery required a societal shift in values and recognition of human rights. Similarly, addressing gender exploitation in cults requires challenging deeply ingrained patriarchal norms and advocating for women's rights.

The Path Forward: Challenging Patriarchal Norms and Protecting Rights

To combat the exploitation of women in cults, a multifaceted approach is necessary:

1. Legal Reforms: Strengthening laws to protect individuals from exploitation and abuse within cults is crucial. This includes better enforcement of existing laws and the creation of new legislation where necessary.

2. Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about the signs of cult exploitation and the importance of gender equality can help prevent individuals from falling victim to such groups.

3. Support Systems: Providing robust support systems for those escaping cults, including legal aid, psychological counselling, and economic assistance, can help survivors rebuild their lives.

4. Challenging Patriarchal Norms: Society must continue to challenge and dismantle patriarchal norms that underpin gender exploitation. This involves promoting gender equality and ensuring that women have equal opportunities and rights.

Summing up Traditional Gender Roles and Cults

The exploitation of traditional gender roles and domestic servitude within cults is a manifestation of historical patriarchal norms. By understanding the roots of these practices and their parallels with the historical tolerance of slavery, we can better address and combat these forms of exploitation. Through legal reforms, awareness, and the challenging of patriarchal norms, society can protect vulnerable individuals and promote gender equality.


The material discussed on the Recover From Coercive Control website might be disturbing to some readers. Use personal discretion to determine if the content is suitable for you. If you feel triggered or otherwise affected, please reach out to the following mental health support agencies.


Lifeline: 13 11 14

Lifeline Crisis Text Service: Text: 0477 13 11 14

Beyond Blue:  1300 224 636

13 Yarn (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support): 13 92 76

Mental Health Emergency Response Line: 

1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)


Book an online counselling session through Recover From Coercive Control 

Anyone who is impacted by a cult in Australia is encouraged to reach out to Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS)

Assessments of groups on this website reflect Renée's personal opinions. Individual experiences of any group can vary; therefore, people are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Renée welcomes alternative perspectives that are respectfully shared.  


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